Blog Archive
How Do Challengers Negotiate?
March 23, 2021
“The first step is the hardest”. It’s what we say to encourage each other to get going. The same is true in sales. Shifting the customer’s initial…
Challenger Skills Part 3: Which Skills Are Most Important in 2021?
February 23, 2021
This post concludes a series we began a few weeks ago: Our first post looked at the distribution of sellers by profile in 2020, using the same…
Challenger Skills Part 2: What has changed in 2020?
February 16, 2021
Last week, I shared a snapshot of our ongoing Challenger assessment data and how Challengers in 2020, moving into 2021, are disproportionately more…
The Science of Positive Language in Customer Service
February 11, 2021
Take a second and think about a time when you were trying to make plans with a friend. Let’s say you sent them a text asking if they wanted to get…
Challenger Skills Part 1: Are Challengers still high performers?
February 9, 2021
2020, it seems safe to say, will be remembered as a year when events conspired to accelerate the digitization of everything. Speaking personally,…
What is the most over-used customer service skill?
December 11, 2020
The Effortless Experience™ team here at Challenger often hears from senior leaders within customer service organizations that they want to develop…
When seeking support, your customers need a consultant
December 8, 2020
Customer service training has historically been focused on soft skills—teaching reps to be polite, warm, and empathetic to customers. But as our…
What’s Your Plan for “The Close”?
December 4, 2020
Challenger is currently conducting a wide-scale study on the current state of negotiations in B2B selling - "Commercial Negotiation" – as we’re…
Challenger Selling in a Virtual (Pandemic) Environment
October 20, 2020
For months now the most frequent request Challenger has received is for resources to help sell in a virtual environment. It’s been six months and…
Creating momentum and reducing friction to motivate organizational change
August 26, 2020
In my previous blog on organizational change, we proved that change is hard to do. Organizations can’t just will their employees to change; they…
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The best companies grow, and grow fast, by challenging customers, not by serving them.