Challenger Blog

Don’t Let Reluctant Sellers Derail Your Sales Training

Though sales trends may change, sales leaders’ goals remain fundamentally similar: grow pipeline, close deals, increase revenue. Perhaps that’s why…

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Don’t Let Reluctant Sellers Derail Your Sales Training

Though sales trends may change, sales leaders’ goals remain fundamentally similar: grow pipeline, close deals, increase revenue. Perhaps that’s why…

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Sales leaders discussing AI strategy in front of a computer

A Sales Leader’s Guide to AI Strategy

ChatGPT’s explosive debut in late 2022 changed the way many of us saw artificial intelligence’s role in everyday life. Sure, industries such as…

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sales training meeting

Three Keys to Maximizing Your Training Investment

Any sales leader deserving of that title knows that they need a sales methodology. Sometimes, they build the SKO around it. Maybe they roll it out…

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Why Delivering a Tailored Insight is Essential to Sales Success_featured image

Why Delivering a Tailored Insight is Essential to Sales Success

The 2011 research that inspired “The Challenger Sale” revealed a surprising foundational fact: the sales experience is the single biggest driver of…

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two people having an intense discussion

How Prospect Theory Drives Sales Experiences

Last month, I achieved a new personal best at the gym: I hip-thrusted 130kg (that’s nearly 300 lbs for our American readers). To put it into context,…

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a man and woman having an intense conversation

Tactics for Dialing Up Constructive Tension

Let’s start with a familiar scenario. You’re choosing an operating system for your enterprise company. Your two options are both great companies with…

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Winning the Challenger Sale

Tune into our series of webinars to learn how to win deals and improve your selling capabilities.

Winning the Challenger Sale: Season 3 Replay

Catch up on all of the episodes of Season 3, Winning the Challenger sale webinar series.

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Winning the Challenger Sale: Season 2 Replay

Catch up on the 13 episodes of Series 2, Winning the Challenger sale.

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three people sitting around a table in business suits

Beyond Borders: Debunking Myths About Challenger in International Markets

Editor’s Note: Though regular readers will note that most Challenger articles follow the conventions of U.S. English, we feel the spirit of this post…

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sales business meeting

How Sales Leaders Can Unlock Seller Performance in an Uncertain Economy

How bad is the economy right now? Well, it depends on who you ask.

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Growing B2B Buying Groups Are Driving Purchasing Gridlock

Since we began tracking B2B buying behavior more than ten years ago, the market, technology, and buying cycles all ballooned in complexity. Yes,…

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three people in business attire sitting around a conference table and pointing at a document

Take These Steps to Improve Forecast Accuracy

If you made it this far, you lived through 2023. That accomplishment alone means you probably don’t need us to tell you that “accurate sales…

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a woman with glasses and short grey hair holding a pen in her right hand and looking into the distance

How to Select the Right LMS For Your Revenue Teams

True learning is not a one-and-done endeavor. Gartner found that without reinforcement, learners lose 87% of what they learned after 30 days, and in…

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