Blog Archive
To Stand or Not To Stand
February 25, 2022
I finally did it. After talking about it for over a year, I finally invested in a standing desk. What is the new saying? Sitting is the new smoking?…
What Your Customers Want . . . TODAY
February 14, 2022
FACT: We all feel different as customers today than we did two years ago. Personally, my patience is thinner than ever, and it makes sense when we…
What’s Your Opening Move?
January 14, 2022
A client of ours recently told us he has a chessboard in his office because there were so many parallels to sales. I paused, but it didn’t take me…
The Worst Question a Service Rep Can Ask
January 5, 2022
Portions of the following blog are excerpts from our book, The Effortless Experience That title probably caught your attention, so without making…
Customer Service: Greasing the Wheels of Wallet Spend
January 2, 2022
Last year, I had a bad customer service experience. It was a months-long struggle to receive a refund on a very beautiful and very broken chandelier.…
Crawl, Walk, Run Customer Service
December 7, 2021
A close cousin of the statement that “doctors make the worst patients” might be that “customer service professionals make the worst customers.” I…
A Factory of Sadness
November 10, 2021
Years ago, back in our CEB days, we used to share a slide that labeled the contact center a “Factory of Sadness.” It resulted in nervous laughs…
How to avoid the Great Resignation with Good Engagement
September 24, 2021
In Gartner’s recent 2021 Customer Service Rep Role and Experience Survey, data shows that only one in three reps are actually engaged; the remaining…
Three Steps to Make Good Sales Advice Stick
September 22, 2021
“To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it.” – American Playwright Wilson Mizner There’s no shortage of good sales advice.…
Commercial Teaching: More Than Just An Early-Stage Strategy
May 25, 2021
In our most recent Winning the Challenger Sales Webinar, we went deep on "Discovery" calls and shared some tips for how to leverage "high-gain"…
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