Challenger Skills Part 1: Are Challengers still high performers?

2020, it seems safe to say, will be remembered as a year when events conspired to accelerate the digitization of everything. Speaking personally,…

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What’s Your Plan for “The Close”?

Challenger is currently conducting a wide-scale study on the current state of negotiations in B2B selling - "Commercial Negotiation" – as we’re…

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Challenger Selling in a Virtual (Pandemic) Environment

For months now the most frequent request Challenger has received is for resources to help sell in a virtual environment. It’s been six months and…

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Aligning Challenger® Skills to Your Sales Process

A certain man wanted to learn to play the piano. He watched skilled players for a while and, assuming that was all there was to it, sat down to…

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Rethink Account Plans

As the world confronts the human and economic cost of COVID-19, sales leaders must focus on a strategy to survive and position their businesses for…

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Challenger’s Six Pillars of Commercial Transformation

In a world where 38% of major purchase efforts end in ‘no deal’, companies find that they badly need to do something different to…

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Entertaining The Right People: Understanding The Challenger Customer

When trying to engage a particular prospect, most sales people have historically started by asking themselves this question:

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Sellers: You’re Not Getting in Early – We Have Proof

Buyers leave vendors out of problem identification 90% of the time. Recently, we discussed how buyers go out of their way to limit the number of…

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3 Ways First Sales Interactions Are Fundamentally Flawed

When we start the Challenger journey with organizations and spend time with their sales teams, we often observe salespeople conducting first sales…

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Customer Always Right vs. Customer Comes First – Turns Out There’s a Big Difference

When attempting to get Challenger right, remembering the key principles on change management is important…you need to know where you want to go and…

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