Tell us if you’ve heard any of these before:

  • “I’m an engineer, not a seller. I don’t need to worry about business development.”
  • “I’ve been selling for 20 years, so I think I know what I’m doing. I don’t need to learn anything new.”
  • “That approach may work in the US, but it’ll never work in our culture.”

For every revenue professional who enthusiastically embraces a sales methodology, there’s usually another who finds a reason to reject it.

But in an increasingly complex buying and selling environment, the only way to consistently achieve success is through a carefully trained revenue team centered on Commercial Insight and continuous growth — and you can’t afford to have anyone on your team who resists that approach.

In this on-demand webinar from the Winning The Challenger Sale series, Jerome Johnson, retired director of global sales learning & development programs from Siemens, and Alex Panou, key account director at Challenger, dive into the three most common objections to seller adoption and practical tactics to shift the mindset of even the most reluctant revenue professional.

Catch this lively and pragmatic session with strategies you can put into place immediately to get the seemingly untrainable on board with a customer-centered approach to selling. Complete the form below to watch on demand.

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