On-Demand Webinar: Win More With the Challenger App in Salesforce

Picture this: You host an in-depth sales training workshop for your whole team. Everyone leaves the session feeling inspired and motivated. Now, your sellers have all the right skills, your managers are equipped to coach effectively. Problem solved, right?

If only it were that simple.

We know from experience that if your sellers don’t apply and reinforce the skills they learned, most of it will be forgotten. A whopping 87% of it, to be specific, if not reinforced within 30 days.

Luckily, you have the power to stop the brain drain by putting skill reinforcement front and center in a tool your sellers are already using every day… through the Challenger Application in Salesforce.

Watch this recorded webinar to see the Challenger Salesforce App in action and learn how harnessing its powerful features can drive up to 6x higher win rates.

Complete the form below to watch the webinar on demand

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